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Rosh Hashanah is special of all times

  which is a good day that lasts for two consecutive days.

In the Torah, Rosh Hashanah is a one-day event

on the first of the seventh month.

The doubling of the days stems from the doubt in determining the month, on the days when there were temples according to witnesses who saw the renewal of the moon. Abroad, all the holidays are double (except Yom Kpur), only Rosh Hashanah "earned" this double, because it falls on Rosh Chodesh,

  And so even in Jerusalem and the temple they did not know for sure which day was the beginning of the month, until the witnesses came. That's why they decided, to be safe, to celebrate the two possible days, and not to remain in doubt until the witnesses come.

  Rosh Hashanah is not only a day of prayer and repentance, but also a time of eating and feasting with a good and happy heart. The holiday should be respected and feasts should be enjoyed properly. Kiddush, lehem mishna, and feasts like the King's hand. Each tribe and family has its own special foods. What they all have in common are foods that symbolize a blessing in their name or in their content.

One of the most prominent signs associated

with the holiday is honey

  Dip the challah slice in honey and say "May you renew a good and sweet year for us". And some wait with this "God willing" until the apple is dipped in honey.

The custom of dipping the challah slice in honey also continues on the other terrible days, and some continue it until Hoshana Rabbah.

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