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Washing hands is one of the seven mitzvot established by sages.

In order to understand their regulation, it is necessary to advance,
  According to the Torah, the whole body is considered a single unit in terms of impurity and purity, either entirely pure or entirely impure. That is, if one of the body's organs touched one of the impurities, then the whole body became impure.
For example, one who touches a dead body with his foot, not only the foot is impure, but the whole body is impure.
Also, the purification should include the whole body, therefore when a person immerses himself in the mikvah to purify himself, he should immerse his whole body as one in the water.
As an addition to this law, sages determined that there is a special and separate status for hands.
since they deal with all the matters of the deed and the material,
They get dirtier than the rest of the body, and they may also inadvertently become contaminated with impure things, and therefore the sages determined that only hands are considered impure, and the way to purify them is by immersing them in water (cit. Rashi Shabbat Yad, 1).