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You can renew, repair and renovate any silverware in any condition.

As those who have lived and breathed silverware for 74 years,

we understand its importance and value
of the prestigious and sentimental instrument

passed down from generation to generation.

We clean, straighten, repair, renew and renovate
Your silverware in any condition by goldsmiths
which repair, straighten, solder, clean and polish
So that you receive your significant tool as new,

as if it had just left the store.

        We also perform plating of pure silver for various tools,
                           Duplication of old vessels and coating of varnish against blackening

  Your silverware is worth money (the weight of the material)
Even with the tool destroyed and not worth / repairable,

bring it to us and you will receive its value

  To receive a price quote, you must come with the tool to the store